Neil: The Silk Roads have been so important in the development of the modern world, it’s fascinating to think these travellers could have been some of the founding people. Have they always kept to this migratory lifestyle?
Abdellah: Not really, or at least not anymore. Most Berbers are not nomadic anymore except the tribes of the Sahara. To put you in the chronology of Berbers history, of The Amazigh year is today 2969. The year zero was set on the year of the XXII dynasty’s victory on the previous one; under the King Sheshonq 1st, who ruled Egypt for 20 years (between 945 to 924 B.C). The Pope Miltiades (311AD to 314AD), Victor 1st from 189AD during 10 years and Gelaser from 492AD to 496AD in the Vatican.
These were all of Amazigh descent. So whilst the community are historically known as nomadic, we have examples of great individuals rising to positions of influence despite the way of life the Amazigh have had.
Neil: That’s an amazing collection of individuals
Abdellah: Most definitely. Among the most important Berber personalities, we find Juba II, who ruled the kingdom of Mauritania and Numidia. In 46 BC, his father was defeated by Julius Caesar. Numidia became a Roman Province and Juba II was later brought to Rome by Caesar.
He was raised by Julius Caesar and later by his great-nephew Octavian (future Emperor Caesar Augustus). While growing up, Juba II accompanied Octavian on military campaigns, gaining valuable experience as a leader. He fought alongside Octavian in the battle of Actium in 31 BC. They became longtime friends and his busts are found in the Roman City of Volubilis Near Fez in Morocco.
Neil: Quite something to rise through such impossible ranks. King Mohammed VI of Morocco today is also of Berber descent, so whilst the influence and reach remain the same, what has changed in this fascinating culture?
Abdellah: Globalization is harming the Amazigh culture every year at the same degree it is doing with minority cultures around the globe. Today we can say that there is still a huge influence of the standardized occidental culture imported from the western world with its good and bad sides. However, thanks to the awareness of its people and because of what comes out of what is called the Arab Spring movement, the Berber language is now recognized alongside Arabic as the country’s two official languages by the Moroccan and Algerian constitutions. Having a monarchy in Morocco that is playing a sort of stabilisator among its many ethnicities composing the population of Morocco, plus the willing popping out of the Amazigh parlementaryman and women imposes that new turning of the Amazigh-Berber history. Also, the awakening among the Berbers themselves.