The Sunshine Series: La Jolla

The Sunshine Series: La Jolla

La Jolla is the perfect advert for SoCal’s beauty and charm. A destination of dramatic coastlines, killer waves and luxe living, with its own quirky, small town-vibe – journey to La Jolla and you’ll get a taste of what life in California is really like. A world away from the madness of LA, and a little more rough around the edges than Laguna Beach, we found this place, hidden away at the southern tip of this sun-kissed state, to be an authentic haven. And since we’re speaking of havens, The Estancia Resort & Spa was a delight to behold in amongst all of this. Set a little way out of the center of town this property is the definition of escapism.

So, whilst we’d love to wax lyrical about how much fun we had getting close to the seals, watching the surfers, tasting the craft beers and wandering Estancia’s tropical gardens; we’ll let the footage do the talking…

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